Friday, February 3, 2012

Quote of the Week + More!

Quote of the Week: "Do what you can with what you have with where you are."
- Theodore Roosevelt

This has certainly been a BUSY week (hence this is the first post of the week). You may remember a few months back my posting about the CPA exam...well, I took the leap and I am now in the process of studying my boo-tay off to pass this thing! I am surprised at how much I actually remember from my college days - but also surprised (well kinda of) at how stupid I feel going through some of this material...all at the same time.

It has been somewhat challenging balancing "studying from home", doctors appointments, and the general day in and day out life activities - but I am finally starting to get into a routine. I am now what military folks refer to as a SAHW (Stay at home wife...but soon to be mom!) I never really wanted to be classified as this, but it is where I am right now, so I'm making the most of it! :)

As of now, my first exam date is at the end of this month. I will let you know one way or another how I do on the exam...hopefully I will pass the first go around!

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