Monday, April 19, 2010

Three ~ Uncensored

Many have asked me the question, “So what is the significance of the number three?” I admit, I have been intentionally vague about the here is the explanation – uncensored =)

During the Fall of 2009, I attended a Bible class and one of the assignments was a study on “Third Day”. It was very interesting to me how God uses patterns to speak to us, specifically numbers. In Scripture the number three signifies completeness or perfection and points to what is solid, real, and substantial. Here are some of the “Third Day” events that stick out in my mind:

The earth was divided from the waters on the 3rd day;
After the Flood, mankind descended from the 3 sons of Noah: Shem, Ham, and Japheth;
There are 3 Patriarchs: Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob/Israel;
Abraham was commanded to sacrifice his son after a 3 day journey to Mt. Moriah;
Jonah spent 3 days in the belly of the fish;
Peter denied Jesus 3 times.
Jonah took a 3 day journey across the city of Nineveh;
Jesus' ministry covered 3 Passovers;
Jesus prophesized that He would arise from the dead on the 3rd day;
There are 3 theological virtues: faith, hope, and charity;
The number 3 is symbolic of the Trinity, the triune nature of God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit;
The number 3 is also recognized as the number of the Holy Spirit.

This list is by NO means all inclusive…there are MANY more 3rd day events =) I encourage you to take the time to do some research on it yourself if this topic interests you.

So, now you are probably wondering HOW in the world everything I just blabbed about remotely relates to me. The number 3 has continually appeared in our lives, and I feel like it is a way of God saying, “I Am here with you”. Call me crazy, or just a bad accountant, but I am not just going to overlook this whole number three business…at least not anymore.

Here are some of the events where the number 3 has surfaced in our personal lives:

David signed his contract on our 3 year, 3 month anniversary;
David interviewed with 3 officers (there were supposed to be five, but only 3 ended up coming);
David was one of 3 men selected for OCS;
David has had the assistance of 3 recruiters;
I got 3rd place in my first NPC competition

I am sure that if people dig deep enough, you can focus in on things that have absolutely no meaning. Maybe that is what this is…but maybe not. I have noticed the God speaks to me in themes, through prayer, and through stories in the Bible – more on that to come =)
So the point of this entry ~ David and I are comforted about this decision to join the Army…in part because of threes, themes, and prayers ;-)

God Bless =D

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